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Here are 10 ways to help you finish the year strong

Life is going by so quickly.

We are at the end of the year and we need to rest and recalibrate before we jump frantically into the next one. If it was a sloppy start to the year, then it will be much more so. In fact, I find it helpful to use the end of a year as a way to reinforce my resolve even further.

Strong does not inherently mean good, rich, popular, or being able to gain a celebrity status for yourself. Being rooted in your values allows you the option of going forwards, even in tough and turbulent times.

Look Back on The Goals You Set in January

No one could assume that Covid-19 would turn up and overtake workplaces around the world, but observable aspects still need to be assessed. At the finish line, imagine yourself. Are you proud of the adaptability that you've demonstrated? Things are not always going the way we expect, so we need to be prepared to adapt in order to regain momentum.

You will learn what went well by looking back, what fell short of expectations, and what changes can be made. If you have set down your priorities and resolutions, take the time to consider the major problems and key lessons you have learned. Were your targets possible or unlikely? You may not have met every expectation, but there are probably still reasons to rejoice.

Gather Your Thoughts & Recommit

Whether the year led to you working from home or to a new job entirely, there are likely significant takeaways you can find from 2020. The massive work-from-orders perhaps allowed us a ‘look’ into the future. How would you rate your productivity? No matter how your performance shakes out, you need to dedicate time to reset and recharge.

Ways to finish strong

  1. Sit down and conduct a year-end review

  2. Set purpose-driven goals

  3. Start tying up any loose ends

  4. Keep making progress on your current goals

  5. Identify one thing you've been procrastinating on

  6. Shift your mindset

  7. Act boldly

  8. Create a sense of urgency

  9. Speed things up

  10. Be relentless

Finish The Year Strong – No Matter How It Started.



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